The Howling House
This is my homepage, which means that here you can find my poetry, prose, lists and verbal vomit presented
in an inconsequential and bewildering manner.
If you don't have all day, use the library and just get what you need.
I agree that a website should be visitor-oriented and not just a junkyard of personal memorabilia but this is definitely the latter.
what's new?
- I've gone to a gaylidh (that's a gay ceilidh, a folksy Scottish line dance) recently, which was cool. Also had a family reunion in London and we
went to an AC/DC concert. My current obsession is trying to start a food business with my partner and two people that I don't know very well,
we'll see how that goes.
I got to scrub a commercial kitchen the other day, all spectacularly dressed in chef's whites. It was like Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares but also somehow fun.
I think I tend to fall into random projects a lot purely because finding novel experiences is so hard as an adult.
- Added a lot of books that I read in the last few months and updated the book archive.
- Some minor fixes to the food page, sadly a lot of good vegan convenience foods have disappeared from the shops lately.
Disclaimer: this site may contain adult content, languages other than English and photographs of my teeth. I'll try and prewarn you where I can. Like here.